The Academy for Young Achievers Admission Process
The Academy for Young Achievers enrolls children ages 6 weeks to 5 years in our early childcare program and children in kindergarten through 5th grade into our before and after school program. A child who is five years old and not enrolled in a kindergarten program may still be enrolled at The Academy for Young Achievers.
Upon acceptance into The Academy for Young Achievers, a student profile must be completed for our files. Each student will have a file located on-site that may be inspected by the Office of Child Care Licensing/Department of Human Services and parents upon request.
The Following Information Must Be Provided For Enrollment:
Completed Application - Emergency Contact information and Identifications (to include authorized persons for pick up)
- Name, Address & Date of Birth
- Enrollment Date
- Doctor’s Name and Contact Information
- Physical Immunization Records (A current physical must be provided prior to admission.)
- Medical History, Consent Form & Allergy Form
- IEP/IFSP Plans (If Applicable)
- Authorization For Release
- Transportation Consent Form
- Ages & Stages Developmental Screening Tool
- Computer/Electronic Parent Consent
- The information above must be on file before the student can be enrolled at The Academy for Young Achievers
“Planting seeds for lifelong academic success.”
— The Academy for Young Achievers
Once you have completed our Enrollment Application, click here to send the application to us directly!
Review Our Family Handbook
The Academy for Young Achievers is a high-quality early learning child care facility which services students from 6 weeks – School Age. The Academy for Young Achievers is dedicated to helping establish the foundation for lifelong academic success. The Academy for Young Achievers partners with families who desire to commit their children to educational excellence. We respect the primary role of families in providing care for their children. When families entrust their children to The Academy for Young Achievers, we are challenged to provide a program of the highest quality to build positive self-concept, school competence, and the pursuit of higher levels of learning.